alexa can also detect when ink or toner is running low and orders more when you need it. to set up, say alexa, discover my printer. Works with alexa: ask alexa to print your shopping list, to-do list, crosswords, coloring pages, and more. Affordable individual ink cartridges replace only the color you need. Truly touchable photos and documents instant-dry ink for smudge, fade and water resistant prints. Reload paper less often 100-sheet paper capacity. see product description for more details. cartridges described as compatible, remanufactured, refilled or refillable may not work properly or at all.

This printer is designed for use with Epson cartridges only, not third party cartridges or ink. Truly touchable photos and documents Instant-dry ink for smudge, fade and water resistant prints.See product description for more details. Cartridges described as Compatible, Remanufactured, refilled or refillable may not work properly or at all. This printer is designed for use with Epson cartridges only, not third party cartridges or ink.Reload paper less often 100-sheet paper capacity.Affordable individual ink cartridges replace only the color you need.I have been very impressed with what I have seen so far in various threads on this site. Many thanks to everyone who posts on this site. What DO I do about cleaning my slides and negatives? Brush, air, anything else I should be doing or should try doing? Gorgeous! Course, I was just testing so I did not bother with choosing the best slides or cleaning them. BTW Kari, I used 2400 dpi before I saw your post. Jamila, did you receive your scanner yet? I have only had time to scan in four slides I pulled at random from my very old reject pile. But figuring that out what those standard settings should be sounds like a project! It certainly makes sense to only scan at the resolution that produces the results you want.
Thanks Kari! So how did you decide that 2400dpi was right? Did you print at some large dimension, then compare at different dpi's? Or were you looking at the images through software and blowing up the detail? I assume this is a very subjective decision.
While I don't think the 8xxxF series is built as nice as the 9900F, it is on the same build level as the V500. The Canon lens does seem to have a wider depth of field and be less sensitive to small variations in film height though (a good thing as long as the film doesn't touch the glass!). With that said, you have to be careful with both scanners if you have really limp film that cannot support its own weight and thus wants to sag to the glass. 3 mm would make that much difference, but it seems to do so. At least that has been my experience with the 8800F I bought for testing and prototyping film holders. That height difference is small but I am pretty sure that is why the Canon scans were more likely to show Newton Rings. 7 mm off the glass versus approximately 1 mm off the glass. Where I think you will feel there is a difference is in the standard software packages and how much control each offers and then the fact that the Canon suspends the film at approximately. When both are properly set up, I don't think you are going to be able to tell a difference in optical performance.